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No Holding Back

If only I was 30... a thought my heart so often thinks.

Ever have that feeling where you know you have to say something even though you don't want to? Yeah? Well, I feel a bit of that with this post. I'm struggling, but can't hold back the truth. People say, that when you feel your heart ache for another you've come to truly love. Well...I guess I'm there. This post is about a boy that has changed my life, the way I see and do my job, and my relationship with Christ. He was here in the beginning and has helped to change it all...I can't imagine my life without him here at SFCV, but hope and pray one day he's gone.

If you've met Jason, then you've met a piece of my heart. I adore this boy who is so rapidly becoming a young man. I will never forget the day he arrived here at SFCV from Banyuanar Orphanage (Inner Mongolia) in late-November of 2014 and stumbled into our therapy clinic with his green walker, huffing and puffing from exhaustion. He was my very first patient. Sure, I was already treating and helping the 25 other kids in our program, but Jason was my first patient. He walked into our clinic having never received any therapy, there were no prior developmental or physical assessments I could glance was just him. I was nervous.
Our first selfie: Dec 1, 2014
Suddenly, there was short pause, where everything seemed to be frozen in time and we sat on the therapy mat and gazed at each other with bewildered eyes. This was one of those moments where you have no idea what should happen next, your brain is thinking a million thoughts at once but you can't seem to make sense of any of them. The thoughts that flooded my head were vast, but the one I remember most was that, the scared 8 year old boy sitting across from me, needed me, not therapy, he needed someone he could count on, someone who he could trust. When reality hit and everything resumed full speed, I took a deep breath and pulled out some Legos and we began to play. The rest of that first session, just continued to stretch me as I fully stepped in my my destiny. It was a life changing moment that has helped to define how I treat my patients and how I perform therapeutic assessments.

Over the last 3 years that Jas has lived with us, I've had the the pleasure of watching him grow into the incredible and smart young man that he is today. He's learned and achieved so much physically and cognitively. As a therapist, I could go on about the many physically challenges he's faced and over come as a boy with Spastic Cerebral Palsy, but I'll save those stories for another time. I will share that he has incredible work ethic, despite lacking some confidence, as long as he know he has someone to cheer him on, Jason will attempt just about anything. He's come a long way and is making a great amount of progress. When we first met, he was barely walking and his speech was very slow, today he's learning to walk with crutches and he talks constantly! One of my favorite things about Jason is his joy. It can never be taken from him, even when things are challenging or he's sad, Jas ALWAYS has a smile. His smile and laugh are 100% contagious. Honestly, I have never seen a straight or sad face on anyone when Jason is laughing.  He is one of the most ticklish kids I've ever met. He's a jokester, a goof, and an all-around happy kid.

Like most other women, when I was a young girl I always dreamt of becoming a mom...and I believe one day I will be and in some ways I already am. Since moving to SFCV, I've never wanted to be thirty more. you see, thirty is the age at which you can begin the adoption process in China. Sadly, I still have 4 years to go. People, let me assure you...if I was 30 years old today, I would adopt him! I have no doubt or reservations about that. I know it's sounds crazy, the thought of a person in their mid 20s wanting to adopt an 11 year old, but if I'm being honest- I would in a heart beat. But alas, I cannot. Jason will be 14 in just 3 years and he needs a family before then. Jason is one of the sweetest young boys I've had the honor of working with. He cares so deeply, loves whole heartedly, and his joy is overflowing. He's the perfect brother, friend, and son. It kills me to write this post because we have a very tight bond, but I must because I feel the longing and the aching in his heart for a family. I feel as though I'm struggling to put together coherent sentences that effectively describe who Jason is, his character, his heart and his desire for a family.

Despite how difficult it is, today there is no holding back... here it is, Jason is incredible! Like most 11 year olds he has a love/ hate relationship with school and homework. He loves his friends and teachers, but learning is work as we all know. One of his favorite things is to play "teacher" at school and help his peers learn the days lessons. He's very intelligent and has great English language skills. He is well on his way to being fluent.
He loves video games, movies, baking, cooking, playing cards, painting, carving pumpkins, Legos, puzzles, action figures and superhero. His favorite foods are ice-cream, chocolate, cake, hamburgers and pizza. He hates being left behind, being vulnerable, spicy food and squats (don't we all). He's a bit shy when you first meet him, but once you get to know him and gain his trust, he's a friend for life. He's loyal and protective. He looks out for his siblings, friends and nannies.
He's thoughtful and loves to stay after class to help clean off the white board or bring someone hand picked flowers. He's physically independent, able to dress, toilet, and shower himself. He loves playing and never lets his physical condition stop him from being on the play ground, riding a horse, learning to swing a bat, shoot a hoop or throw a snowball. He's thankful and generous. And did I mention...he's full of JOY! Let me just say...this guy is something else. I feel truly honored to have him as my friend, patient and buddy. My heart breaks at the thought of him leaving SFCV, but I pray daily that God would bring Jas' dream of a forever family to fruition.

The best news of all is, Jason is paperwork ready, he is simply waiting for the right forever family to walk into his life. Could that be you? Would you please SHARE this post together, we can help Jason find his Family!

If you or someone you know is interested in adoption or has questions about adoption, Jason or SFCV, please email me at:

P.S. I have a million photos of this guy, narrowing it down to just these few was a challenge. Check out his sweet smile, adventurous heart and joyful spirit!

August 20, 2017. Happy 11th Birthday Jason!

Halloween 2015 
Halloween 2017


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