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Furlough Fun

Howdy Friends!

I've been back in China just about a month now and I'm finally getting a chance to sit and write. Just as the seasons have been changing, so much has been changing here at SFCV.
Back in September, I left China and headed back for 4 weeks of furlough, family and refreshment. It was a busy, yet wonderful time. So much happened....check it out.


Arriving back in Chicago is always an amazing feeling. Chicago is my first home and I love it dearly. I was home for just 4 short days with family and friends, but it was oh so good to be able to embrace them once again and catch up. I must say, Moriah stole the cake! Over the summer, while I was in China, my Brother and Sister-in-law welcomed their third child, a girl, into the world: Moriah Elizabeth! Let me tell ya, she sure is a sweetie and she definitely stole my heart!


After a few days with family I headed down to the great state of Texas! I had only every drive through Texas but never stayed, and let me assure you the rumors are true....EVERYTHING is bigger down there! haha! It was a busy yet amazing trip. I started in Austin. I met up with Pam Baker, friend and co-founder of SFCV. Pam graciously hosted me for 2 days as I got acclimated.
Next was Kerrville. Yes, that's a real place. I, myself only just learned of it 6 months ago, but it's quaint little town in central Texas. Kerrville is the home base of the missions organization that I am now partnered with to help and support me in the Lord's calling here in China. They hosted a conference that I was blessed to be apart of. I learned so much and met a bunch of people who all share my same desire to reach the world with His love. To say I was encouraged is an understatement! It was a wonderful and insightful week.
Next up: Houston! I've always wanted to visit Houston and I finally got that check on the ole list. Houston is home to my good friend, Kayla and daughter, Charley Moon. As Kayla puts it I "stole" her job here in China! Not really, but Kayla was the head therapist here at SFCV before me, she left to bring her daughter home. This was the first time I had seen them since the adoption 3 years ago. It was such a happy reunion! Houston was also mine and Lily's rendezvous point. GUYS....Lily came to the States!! Although we work together everyday, it was great to see her in the USA! Our short reunion with Kayla, her mom Debbie, and Charley Moon wasn't long enough. It was so good to catch up and although many years had pass it seemed as if nothing had changed, except how old Charley had become! After 3 short days, I was off again...this time with Lily in tow.
Our Dallas Reunion with Timothy, Charlotte and Liam
Dallas was our last Texas stop. Several SFCV alums live in and around the Dallas area and one of the adoptive families graciously hosted a little reunion for us. I can't even begin to tell you how full my heart was by this gathering! Seeing these kiddos, their parents and families was indescribable. In the midst of all the joy, hugs and happiness, it felt for one moment as if time just stood still. Time slowed almost as if someone has pushed "pause" on a movie... and it was just me and my thoughts. So many thoughts and memories flooding my mind and heart. In that moment every effort, tear, laugh, struggle, conversation, email, report, therapy session, trip to Beijing... everything was worth it. To see these kids laughing and enjoying life in Texas with their families...this is what it's all about. It was a moment I'll never forget. That is why I do what I do, so more families and more kids can have those moments. It was so surreal.
After the reunion, we met up with an old China friend for some delicious tex mex and a film. It was the perfect end to a perfect day. After a week in the Sovereign state of Texas, we were east coast bound.

New Jersey, Philly, New York and D. C.

Yes, we really did go to all of those places! It was a busy week but totally worth it. Some dear friends and an old SFCV pal opened their home to us. It was a very fun time of fellowship and catching up. Just about every day of the week, we were in a different city. From Cheese steaks and the Art museum steps in Philadelphia, to the White House and Smithsonian in D.C.; to the Statue of Liberty and the 9/11memorial in New York City and even on down to the Jersey shore....we did it all! Amidst all the awesome weather and adventures, my favorite time had to be our East Coast reunion with 3 SFCV alums.
Reunited with Mason, Nora and Katie <3
Once again, one of the families lovingly opened their home to us for an evening of fellowship, catching up and many happy tears. As much as I loved hugging, playing and snuggling with the kids I once cared for in China, one of my favorite parts of the visit was chatting with the moms and dads as they share all about their child. I've come to one conclusion after hearing all of their stories....we serve an incredible God. The amount of detail that he puts into each child and placing them in the PERFECT family is just incredible. It truly a miracle to witness. After a week of taking in the sites and adventures Lily and I boarded a plane in Trenton, NJ and headed back to the greatest city on earth, Chicago. (PSA: Trenton, NJ does have an airport! It's a real thing. A real Tiny thing, but it's there. They have 1 gate...yes, one and yet somehow it took us over an hour to get through the TSA security check....not sure how, but ya know. I only recommend flying in/ out of there as a last resort.)


Reuniting with Patrick and his forever family in Chicago.
Like I said before, there's nothing like returning home. I loved getting to share my family, church, friends and city with Lily. We spent our week shopping, playing with my nieces and nephews, taking in the incredible sites and tastes that make up Chicago and just being with family. It was a perfect way to end our busy, yet incredible trip. Before heading back to Beijing, my Brother hosted a backyard BBQ in Lily's honor inviting all the neighbors and family. Sounds hectic, but it wasn't it was so fun! Another SFCV alum and his family also joined us. It was such a happy reunion! I know I keep saying that, but I really can't put into words how touching and emotionally encouraging these reunions have been to my heart. Only the Lord knows how each and every one of these kids has impacted my life in China and what it does to my soul to see them fulfilling their destinies in the States. It astounding.

Overall the entire trip encouraged my faith, ministered to my heart and brought me closer to my savior. It was one of the most refreshing trips I've had. I have so many stories as a result...but you know they say...a picture is worth a thousand words....


Salt lick BBQ in Austin, the BEST BBQ around!!

Missions Conference in Kerrville
Dinner at the pier with Debbie, Kayla and Charley Moon


Birthday Dinner at the Shore.
Washington D.C...



Chicago Hotdog
103rd floor of the Sears Tower


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