Cmyk! |
I'd like to introduce you all to a very special little someone. Meet, Charley Moon Yingmi Kasper or Cmyk (sm-ick) as I like to call her. Charley Moon is one of the adorable bundles-of-joy that I have had the privilege of working with. As most 2 1/2 year old's are, Charley Moon is quite the character; she's a dancer, a comedian, a lover, a keeper of secrets, and an adoptee. Over the last few months I've had the honor to sit in a front seat and watch the final pieces of her adoption fall into place and I have to say that witnessing this miracle has changed my life.
Charley Moon and Mommy - July 2013 |
I first met Charley Moon and her (now) mother, Kayla on my very first trip to China in July of 2013. When I met, Cmyk or "Leah" as she was called back then, she was just about 18months old and weighed no more than 15 pounds. When she arrived at Shepherd's Field in the spring 2012, she was struggling to maintain good nutrition and very underdeveloped, and now, just 2 yeas later she is a healthy and vigorous little girl. A great amount of her miraculous turn-around can be accredited to the loving mercies of Christ and the persistent prayers of her mother Kayla. Like most young women, Kayla always dreamt of becoming a mom, but I don't think that adoption was in her
original plans when she first came to the therapy program at SFCV in December of 2012. It's amazing to me that after just 5 months of living in China Kayla knew that she and "Leah" (Charley Moon) were meant to be a forever family. It gives me "chills" every time she tells me how God lead her to SFCV and how she feel in love with, and nursed back to health this emaciated precious baby. Adoption can be a complicated process that has many ups and downs and Cmyk's adoption was no different. Over the last year or so I've seen Kayla toil relentlessly to get this adoption finalized, and yet never once did her hopefulness for her daughter waiver. Although I wasn't here to see how this all started and what happened in the beginning stages of this incredible story, what I do know is that, this perfect ending was made possible by tears of joy and weariness and by the faithful prayers of people all over the world.
Officially got TA! |
I have so many wonderful memories of times spent hanging out with Cmyk that it's hard to narrow down which to share. I've loved and enjoyed all the afternoons spent playing in the sand, the nights spent eating M&M's during cornhole tournaments, and all the other times that she has helped me to keep my Auntie skills up to date! One of my many favorite moments of this whole adoption process was, personally accompanying Charley Moon and Kayla to pick up their Travel Approval documents from their adoption agency in Beijing. Not only was it an awesome new experience to visit an adoption agency, but I can confidently say that I've witnessed love like I've never seen it portrayed before. In that tiny little office I met Amy, who for months on end, literally fought for Charley Moon without ever even knowing who she was. I will never forget the look on her face when she saw Charley Moon for the first time, her face was glowing and her smiled beamed from ear-to-ear. After all of the logistical aspects of this meeting were taken care of and we were beginning to head out, Kayla gave Amy a hug in thanks for all the work that she had done to make their adoption possible.
Charley Moon giving Amy some kisses! |
In response to this heartfelt thanks Amy simply glorified God giving him all glory and thanks for this miracle, stating "This was God's plan, I'd do it all again...." Amy's actions and words were so simple, yet they touched me deeply. There truly is no one like our God! He has proved over and over that He has a purpose and a plan for each one of us and I was so grateful to see his plan for Charley Moon fulfilled in that office.

When I met Kayla for the first time, I had an intrinsic feeling that she and I would become good friends and I'm so happy I was right! Not only has she taught be about this program and paved the way for me in the Therapy department, but she has become my dear friend, mentor and role model. I know it may seem naive to still have role models, but what can I say? I do! I greatly admire the relentless passion and love for Charley Moon that has overcome Kayla's life. I also aspire to be a mother who fervently seeks the Lord on her child's behalf and that allows her life to be so overcome with love that she is willing to bear the hurts and pains that so often accompany life and love. I'm so thankful to have both Kayla and Charley Moon in my life; their story has changed my life and allowed me to see into a different realm of the adoption world. Thank you both for being yourselves and for allowing me to be apart of your journey. I'm truly grateful!
To Kayla:

Thank you for accepting God's call to China and for adopting Charley Moon! As much as you have allowed her to change your life, you both have changed mine. I've enjoyed getting to see the incredible things that God has done for you and through you on this journey, and I'm so excited to see where He leads you next. I would also like to say thank-you for believing in me and having the faith to see my call to China when I couldn't. I have to admit part of me thought you were a little crazy that first summer, when you said that you
knew I'd come back someday... and look at me now! I'm so grateful to know that I have you as my friend. Today's the day you've been waiting for, next stop Mêiguó! This is such an exciting day and I'm so grateful to be able to witness it! Always remember: She's JUST like you! You are loved my friend!
To Charley Moon:

I know you can't read this, but I'd like you to know that it's been an honor to see you grow up into the spunky and lovely girl that you have become. I have greatly treasured all of our little moments spent playing, singing, dancing, and snuggling together. You must know that your sweet kisses, gentle spirit, and pure soul have touched many lives, including mine, and I'm confident that you will continue to touch thousands more as you grow. My hope and prayer for you is that, you would grow up to become a woman who passionately follows her heart and the things of God. May your pleasant and joyful spirit never loose it's infectiousness! I love you Cmyk!
"If all the raindrops were Yellow drops and gum drops, OH what a rain that would be!!" :)
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