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I'm an Anxious Waiter...

Howdy, Howdy, Howdy!

 I've got some important things to share with listen up! ;)

So, I'm taking a little bit of a different twist with this post. Normally, I like to write, discuss, & talk about how awesome, amazing and blessed my China life is and how much I adore the kids and my job at SFCV. Let me reassure you, NONE of that has changed in the slightest; however it is time for me to discuss the down and dirty logistics of living the volunteer life in a foreign country...$$$.

Ethan and Flynn are the
two newest additions to the SFCV
family! I can't wait to meet these
little guys!
For those of you that have served on missions trips, lived as a missionary in a foreign country, worked in missions or other volunteer positions, then all of you know the trials, up & downs of fundraising. It's hard, yet vital to the mission and call that God has for you. Well, this is currently where I am...anxiously waiting on the funds for my mission. Extending my stay in China, wasn't exactly on my radar until the Lord made it clear that it wasn't and isn't quite time for me to move on yet, to which I'm thrilled and excited!
In this last 18 months or so that I've lived in China, I've seen God do incredible things in my life and the live of these kids! I truly stand in awe of all his works. He's taken my life and completely changed it and now uses it to gratify himself. I know I say this a lot, but if you were to have talked to me 5 years ago and say, "you're going to live in China in 5 years and work at an orphanage for special needs kids..." I would have laughed in your face. I've seen the Lord work wonders in my life, He saved and softened my wretched heart and gave me a passion for these precious little ones, to which I'm eternally grateful!
One of the cool things about being in the missions field and serving as a volunteer is the realization that, yes, God is ultimately in control of everything and he's graciously using me as a vessel, but just knowing that He is actively moving in the lives of others and speaking to their hearts about getting involved (financially, emotionally and prayerfully) in my life and the lives of these kids. It's a big thought, but it's incredible! That being said, I know that God has a plan for me and I'm so grateful He does, because I'm completely lost without him. In all His faithfulness, He has used and will continue to use amazing people, like you, to take care of my every need regardless of what it is/was.
Can't wait to get home to these little faces!
As most of you know, I'm currently at home in Chicago and I'm just itching to get home to China and the kiddos! I've been here for about 6 weeks and the question I'm getting the most now is, "When do you go back?" To which I've usually replied, "good question! haha" I am going back, this I know FOR SURE - when is the question... currently I've spending time working on raising all the needed funds to get me and keep me in China for the next year. Ideally, I'd like to be flying back to China on the 11th of February; however I'm still waiting on funds. Although it's uncertain as to when all the finances will become available, there are 2 things that are definite in my current situation and they are: 1. God is in control and will get me back to China in his perfect timing and 2. God is going to provide all the finances I need to get home. All I have to do in this, is seek His face, follow where He leads me, and patiently wait for Him to move on my behalf.
And wouldn't you know it, I've already been seeing his handy work all around me! He's pretty amazing like that!

Ok, so here is what I have for YOU...If you're interested, feeling led and want to be used by God in amazing ways, here's WHAT YOU CAN DO... click on the link below to help me get home to the kiddos and continue the amazing work that God has me doing there!

Next... keep me, the kids and SFCV in your prayers - we're always in need of prayer coverage :) and Lastly, you can stay tuned to see all my blog updates, prayer requests, stories, etc.

Thanks y'all! I'm so grateful for all of you amazing people who I know are going to share this post, my page, and my story with others. My goal is to spread the word about what God has done for me and how people can get involved, So I'm thankful for all your subscribers, faithful readers, friends and family that love and support me and this awesome China Life!

P.S. In case you need a little encouragement....check out these adorable faces that I miss so achingly much! :)


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