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Christmas in the Chi

Hey Gang!

I'm back! It's been a few weeks I know, but I have many photos and stories to tell of my trip home from China, family gatherings, Christmas, and fasten your safety belts, it's going to be a wonderful ride! haha!
Well, as mentioned in my last post, I headed home from China on December 19th. Overall I had great flight (slept 10 of 13 hours), despite being delayed almost 2 hours. But the moral of the story is, I made it home safe and sound and excited to see my family! My awesome parents and sister picked me up from the airport and as tradition would have it, we headed straight to my brother Zeke's house to see him, my sister-in-law and their 3 adorable kids. It felt SOOOO good to be in the Chi once again and surrounded by my loved ones! Guys, I know I say this all the time, but I truly have the cutest nieces and nephews on the planet! It was a great first night back home: Gene and Jude's hotdogs for dinner, family and playing with the kids...what more could I ask for? Simply perfect!
  The next day, Sunday December 20th, our family headed over to my great-Aunt and Uncle's house for our annual ravioli making day, a tradition that's been in our family for over 17 years! On this annual day, my family gathers to make homemade ravioli (that we eat on Christmas eve), from dough to filling, to "forking" the ravi's- we do it all. Honestly, this is one of my favorite family traditions. Nothing better than awesome food, family and celebrating one's heritage! It's pretty amazing!
Meeting Liam Nathaniel!
  December 21, I attended a small Christmas gathering that was hosted by one of my dear friends. This was the first time that I had seen most of my girls and it was a wonderful reunion! Great food, conversation and friends. The night was just wonderful!
  Those of you that follow me here and on other social media outlets know that I'm one of several kids in my family and that several of my older siblings have begun having families of their own. I love being an Auntie! It's a special title I hold very near and dear to my heart. Well, December 22nd, Liam Nathaniel, joined the ever-expanding Preedin fam! Guys, HE'S SO FLIPPING ADORABLE! Son, to my brother Jake and sister-in-law Grace, Liam is the perfect little stud. I'm so in love with this kid and I'm so happy he's apart of our family!

Just two short days later, December 24: Christmas Eve, was upon us! As you may recall from earlier in this post, I mentioned that our fam got together to make homemade ravioli just a few days before. Well...Christmas Eve is the day we finally get to eat these scrumptious Ravioli! Yummmmm! No joke this is one of my absolute favorite meals of the year! It was a wonderful evening spent with family and friends. My absolute favorite part of the night was getting to facetime back home...and by home, yes, I mean China. Robert (one of the 8 year old boys in my therapy program) was meeting his forever family for the very first time via Skype and I got to watch their meeting via facetime. To say it was amazing is a HUGE understatement. I couldn't help but shed tears of joy as I watched Roberts face light up in joy and excitement! I was and still am SO VERY HAPPY for Robert and his new forever family! Honestly, being able to witness such miracles on a regular basis is an incredible testimony of God's love and faithfulness. I'm honored to witness such incredible events. I will say this, I am going to miss Robert very very much! Over these last several months, he and I have gotten rather close. He will always hold a special place in my heart! Yay for Robert and his Forever Family!

The next day, yup you guessed it -December 25, Christmas Day! I love Christmas so much! I mean, lets be honest, what's not to love? Family drawn near, delicious food, fun, laughter, and the wonder of Jesus' birth! It was a special day spent with the ones I love and hold most dear.
    Overall, my holidays were splendid! I couldn't have asked for them to have gone more perfectly or to have been spent with anyone else than my family!
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year Celebration!

 Ravioli Day!

 FaceTimeing with Robert as he meets his Forever Family for the first time!

 More Christmas Eve Fun!

Christmas Day!


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