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“For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather; 
To cheer one on the tedious way, 
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down, 
To strengthen whilst one stands”  

Christina Rossetti     
The Preedin Sisters, Summer 1993

   I grew up with two of the most loving people and friends that I also have the pleasure of calling my sisters, Cynthia and Kathryn. I can recall thousands and thousands of memories with these two in them, from playing "Sisters" on the front porch to our late night back-scratching nights and the nights we spent singing "Mayberry" at the top of our lungs in the mid summers air; we had a great childhood and still remain the best of friends. If you have sisters, then you know the special bond that we share, it's really unexplainable. As a kid I took advantage of being the baby of the family and with that took for granted my sisters, but now that I'm an adult I've come to deeply love, cherish and appreciate our sisterhood and special friendship. I firmly believe that there is  no better feeling in the world like being able to share your deep feelings with the people you love. Ever since China stole my heart, I've longed to share my passion and love for this place with my sisters. From day 1 they've heard my stories and experiences and have watched my life change, but never had either of them had the opportunity to experience the wonders of this new place that I call home.

   Several months back I had a dream that my sister, Kate, came to SFCV to surprise me for a visit. This dream was so vivid that when I awoke I believed it to be reality. My heart was quite disappointed when I realized that it was just a dream, however to my elation in January of this year my dream came true. Well, sort of, it was not a surprise visit, but nevertheless my KitKat (as I like to call her ) was in China! During her stay here, I was able to share my home and love for China with her, and I loved it! Not only did we love on kids and work on projects while she was here, but we were also able to do some sight-seeing.  As I reminisce on her time in China, only one word comes to mind: happiness. It was a truly happy time.

   Although my eldest sister, Cynthia, has not physically made it to China, she has been able to see first hand my new home via FaceTime (shout-out to Apple and Steve Jobs!). I'm so grateful the technology that is available today, it makes being away a little less difficult. I absolutely love having our sister-dates! I'm not sure quite sure what plans she has for coming to China in the future, but I know that if she were ever to make the trip, there would be several smiling faces here to greet her. On more than on occasion the Therapy Ayis (Da Li, Xiao Wang, & Xiao Ding) have asked me when "WÇ” JiÄ›jiÄ› (number 5 older sister)" is coming to China so she can cut their hair and do their nails - Her fame precedes her! :) At this point, I think it goes without saying, that I would be overwhelmed with joy to have my Cynthia-jeans here in person, but until then I am thrilled to see and talk to her when I can. 

I love having sisters and I'm so thankful for the roles that they've played in my life! Cynth and Kate have always been two of my biggest supporters no matter where life hast taken me - words can't really describe the amount of gratitude I have for them. Thank you both for loving me no matter what, despite my brattiness and baby-bird syndrome, I love you both so very much!

Christmas 2012

"If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child." 

Linda Sunshing


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