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Shanghai Nights

    Several weeks back I was asked by my superiors if I would like to join our team on a business trip to Shanghai. My heart was elated at the invitation, yet I had some hesitation as to how this would all pan out (financially, logistically, etc). If you know me personally, then you know that I'm new to adventure and I'm also planner, I like to know the details of things and what to do incase of emergency, and so on.  I say that I'm new to adventure, because before I came to China, I never really had gone on any adventures. Sure, a few missions trips in Mexico and a bike ride or hike in the forest preserve every now and then, but nothing that forced me out of my comfort zone. Thankfully living in China has changed all of that, I now love the spontaneity of life and the rawness of every adventure - it's truly incredible! After the details of this trip were presented to me, and I realized that most of my expenses would be paid by our gracious hosts, my heart longed even more to go on this once in a lifetime adventure. Living in China has taught me many things, one of them being, if the opportunity to travel throughout China arises - take it! Not only can it be difficult financially, but traveling in a foreign country where you speak little to none of the language can be a real pain, thus I decided to jump at the opportunity to go with friends who speak fluently.  So, sparing the gritty details, I decided to take a leap and join the adventure.
Aaron and I on the train

Unlike the others in our team, I decided to travel to Shanghai via the bullet train. I know what you're thinking and no, I didn't travel alone. One of my friends and co-workers, Aaron, accompanied me on the 12 hour train ride. I had never ridden on a train in China and I had never been on a train for 12 hours before, so for me this had "adventure" written all over it. Having completed the trip, I have to say that the train was a smart decision, it was significantly cheaper, and although it was 12 hours - I was able to recline fully on a bed and sleep almost the entire time both ways. If the need should ever arise, I would definitely do it again.
Our morning routine: Coffee!

Once we arrived in Shanghai, Aaron and I had to take the subway from the train station to the airport to meet up with the rest of our team, that too was an adventure all on it's own, but thanks to Aaron's ability to converse in Mandarin things worked out just fine. Once we met up with the team, a private car came and drove us to the hotel where we were staying. Our hotel was connected to a shopping mall that had not 1, but 2 Starbucks coffee stores in it! This alone was a huge blessing! However, things kept getting more and more amazing as the trip went on. Our first night, we drove about and hour into the downtown area of Shanghai to meet up with some old SFCV friends for dinner. As a profound lover of Chinese food, take my word when I say, the food was exquisite! Very different from what I'm used to in Beijing, but delicious all the same. The final piece to our perfect first night in Shanghai was walking long the Huangpu River that flows right through the heart of the city. It was truly stunning!
Our Team: (L to R)
Aaron Ruiz, Me, Lily Zhuang,
 Christina Li, Tim Baker, Tim & Joanna Candy
Our trip was centered around an event held on Saturday afternoon by the U.S - China Business Association, where Shepherd's Field Children's Village was to be honored and presented with an award for outstanding humanitarian work in China. Having never been to an event like this I was truly excited to be in attendance. The ceremony was beautiful, we met and connected with many new people, and the banquet that followed was delicious! All in all, it was a great day to celebrate the hard work and dedication that our founders and staff have put in to love and care for the precious little ones God has given us. I have several favorite moments from this trip; however to save time I will just share one...also so you can skip to the pictures :) While I sat in that hall listening to our hosts as they shared with the audience some photos and information about Tim and Pam Baker and how SFCV came to be, I couldn't help but well up with tears of joy and awe. I was and still am so incredibly blessed to be working with and surrounded by such kind-hearted and loving people and to be apart of such an awesome, Christ-centered organization. For me, that moment was God's way of proving to me, yet again, that He will do incredibly more than we could ever ask or imagine for those who love Him and live according to his word (Eph 3:20). God has done incredible things through Shepherd's Field, in my life and in the lives of others and seeing his continual outpouring of favor and grace has caused my heart to draw closer to His.
"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you"
James 4:8a (NASB)

Our staff waiting for the ceremony to begin. (L to R)
Me, Lily, Aaron, Christina, Joanna & Tim 
Although the trip didn't end after the awards ceremony and there was still lots of fun to be had, the best way to portray the trip isn't through words, but through pictures...Enjoy! :)

Shanghai, simply stunning!!
Having fun touring Shanghai!

SFCV Ladies 
Tim baker receiving the Award!

Did I forget to mention that Yao Ming was also received an award from the U.S - China Busnisess association? This is a picture of my boss, Tim Baker, (in the center) with Yao Ming and a few other recipients. I can not tell you how tall he really is in person, well, I can tell you: He's 7 feet 6inches tall, but there really is no way to describe how tall that is in reality. I didn't even get close to him and I felt like a shrimp! Yao seems like a really cool guy and I wish I had the opportunity to meet him and get a photo, however I did not :( 

I finally got a picture with Yao! Haha, just a little perspective: Yao Ming is 2feet and 3inches taller than me! New life goal: get a real picture with Yao Ming.

(Wǒ ài shànghǎi)
Thomas made the trip to Shanghai too! :)

The Shanghai Tower (behind us) is the 2nd tallest
 building in the World!!
Headed home, the train station was packed!


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