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An Exception to the Rule

Hey All,

It's that time again...time to write about one of our amazing kids here at SFCV. Typically, I've been trying to write about my patients/ the kids enrolled in our therapy program. So far it's been good and I'm very happy to say that the word is getting out about these kiddos! Today's post is an exception to the rule... this incredibly special young girl isn't in our therapy program, she's never been enrolled in our program, but she is definitely a huge part of our hearts!

Amanda joined our SFCV family from Heze orphanage in February of 2014, and every since our hearts and lives have been touched by her loving and joyful heart. Amanda has Blue Bleb Nevus Syndrome (BRBNS) which is a rare condition that is characterized by numerous malformations of the venous system that primarily effects  the skin and visceral organs. This condition has caused her to have a left foot deformity as well as several of these venous abnormalities. Last summer our medical staff discovered a new medication that has significantly helped reverse the growth of these lesions, as well as, helped her body maintain the correct blood flow, etc. Since beginning this new medicine, Amanda no longer has to have bi-weekly blood transfusions. Her overall health is greatly improved! We're so happy to have this medicine and I know Amanda is too!

Despite her rare condition, Amanda has such a beautiful and positive outlook on life. When she first arrived here, she was shy, timid and quite. Now she's a bold, active and joyful young girl! Over the time I've had the joy of knowing Amanda, I've seen her grow up and mature into a bright, loving and humble young woman. There's so much I could say about Amanda and the woman she's growing up to be. Amanda is... a servant, always willing to help her Nannies care for the little ones or set the table, she always helps the teachers clean up after school or after a craft or activity. If you need help with ANYTHING (literally anything!), Amanda is willing to help without even being asked! Amanda is... a leader, she's a big sister in her house, a leader in her class and on field trips. Amanda is... devout learner. In class, she's focused and determined to learn new things. She's a curious one too, always asking questions and thriving to attain more knowledge. Amanda is...a joyful spirit. I don't think I have to say much more that that. Amanda always has a smile on her face, she can be seen riding her bike around campus with her friends in the wee hours of the morning before school, running around the play ground or school yard during recess or PE class, or just walking around campus holding the hands of the little ones in her house while singing songs of joy to them. She truly is an AMAZING young girl!! I'm so happy to know her and watch her enjoy every day of life. Finally, Amanda is...a lover. She is always looking after her friends, taking care of them, loving them and being loved by them. I love this girl, her heart for people is contagious. I hope that one day I can learn to love as deeply and freely as she does.

Like most girls her age, Amanda loves singing, drawing, playing dolls, riding her bike around campus with her friends, dancing, swimming and playing water games and making crafts. She's a talented singer and musician. Over the last few summer, we've had several music teachers come for a short period and teach music to our children, Amanda was one of them. She's already learned some tunes on the piano! I know with some lessons and a little dedication, this girl could become a magnificent pianist! Amanda has a great heart, great talent, and is growing into a beautiful young woman.

On June 6th of this year, Amanda turned 13 - which means that she only has 11 months left to find a Forever Family of her own!! Earlier this spring, Amanda's best friend, Vicky was adopted into a family from the USA. As a by-stander, I was over joyed for Vicky, yet heart broken for Amanda! Vicky and Amanda, grew up in the same foster home, then went to the same orphanage in Heze, and finally made it to SFCV together. While they were here, these two shared a bedroom, attended the same classes in school, and played with each other constantly - they truly grew up sisters. When Vicky was adopted, Amanda was overjoyed for her, never letting anyone see her tears or sorrow over the loss of her best friend. She may not verbalize it that much, but Amanda's heart so deeply and lovingly longs and craves a forever family of her own! When Vicky left with her family to start her new life, you could see the happiness in Amanda's eyes, but also the craving for her own family.
Best Friends: Amanda and Vicky
Would you please SHARE AMANDA'S STORY? Please remember, June 6th, 2017, Amanda will be 14 and loose the opportunity to be adopted. Together we can find this precious girl a forever family of her own!

If you or someone you know has been touched by this post and would like to learn more about Amanda, her adoption paperwork, or adoption in general, PLEASE send me an email at:



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