Hey everyone!
It's been just about a month since my last advocacy post about Charissa and I have so say that I'm completely blown away by the response(s) I've gotten. It amazes me that over 2,000 people have read about Charissa and her desire for a forever family! Thanks to everyone who has read and shared my posts. I've received several inquiries about Charissa, but no families have claimed her adoption file as of yet. Please continue to pray for Charissa and that her family would find her in God's perfect timing.

Today's post is about one of the sweetest boys I've ever met, Tyler. This kid. Honestly, there's so much to be said about his spectacular smile, his loving heart and his undeniable charm. He's an incredible young boy who needs the eternal love of a forever family.
Tyler first came to SFCV in 2009 when he was just 4 years old. He has been diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is the most common form or childhood onset dystrophy. This condition has limited Tyler's ability to walk, move his arms and even speak. He currently uses a wheelchair. Over the last few years that I've worked with Tyler, I've seen a slight digression in range of motions and physical mobility. Although common and expected, it's been hard to see such a vibrant boy slowly have his mobility taken from him. It is also believed that Tyler has some social and sensory processing delays for which is is receiving therapy treatment and making remarkable progress! When ever Tyler rolls into therapy, I can't help but smile. He's passion for life radiate from his smile. Some of our favorite therapy activities are rolling on our tummies on the therapy balls and crawling all over the therapy floor chasing his favorite motorized truck. Can I tell you, I just love this kid! Although he won't walk again or he may never verbally communicate again, Tyler has so many other skills that allow him to communicate. He's so innovative, so curious, he's a love bug, and a snuggler. I can't get enough of his sweetness.
Despite his diagnosis and prognosis, Tyler is... amazing! He has such a positive attitude and willingness to try new things. He may not be able to verbally communicate with you more than sounds and grunts, but honestly he can give you a look that allows you know what he's thinking/ feeling. I know what you're thinking...."OK, Naomi! How is that even possible, he's not telepathic and neither are you!"....if you had that thought, then you are correct. He's not and neither am I; however this child has a deep heart and soul and he uses his eyes to communicate with you. I know...it's weird, but if you know Tyler then you know I'm right. He's so passionate and loving. He doesn't love lightly - he loves deeply. I've been blessed to love this kid and I can honestly say that he's taught me so much about loving deeply and how much I crave the love of my Heavenly Father -I'm so lucky to know this kid. And it's because of this that I know and truly believe that Tyler's hearts desire to to have a mom and dad who can reciprocate his love.
Tyler lives in the House of Love here at Shepherd's Field, and really that couldn't be more fitting. This kid is so happy, joyful and full of love. He is loved. Loved by his friends and house mates, his ayi's and by our staff. Ty, attends school at little Lambs school and although at times he struggles, he greatly enjoys school, anger painting and having stories read to him. He loves coming to therapy, playing on the play ground, swinging on the swings and playing in the sand. He's probably one of the happiest and most content kids I've ever met. So deserving of a forever family of his own.
On December 1, 2016 Tyler will turn 12 years old. This means that he only has 2 more years to find his Forever Family. Would you help me share his story, together we change the life of a spectacular little boy! Let's find Tyler's Forever Family!
If you or someone you know has been touched by this post and would like to learn more about Tyler, his adoption paperwork, or adoption in general, PLEASE send me an email at: naomi.preedin@chinaorphans.org
Tyler first came to SFCV in 2009 when he was just 4 years old. He has been diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which is the most common form or childhood onset dystrophy. This condition has limited Tyler's ability to walk, move his arms and even speak. He currently uses a wheelchair. Over the last few years that I've worked with Tyler, I've seen a slight digression in range of motions and physical mobility. Although common and expected, it's been hard to see such a vibrant boy slowly have his mobility taken from him. It is also believed that Tyler has some social and sensory processing delays for which is is receiving therapy treatment and making remarkable progress! When ever Tyler rolls into therapy, I can't help but smile. He's passion for life radiate from his smile. Some of our favorite therapy activities are rolling on our tummies on the therapy balls and crawling all over the therapy floor chasing his favorite motorized truck. Can I tell you, I just love this kid! Although he won't walk again or he may never verbally communicate again, Tyler has so many other skills that allow him to communicate. He's so innovative, so curious, he's a love bug, and a snuggler. I can't get enough of his sweetness.

Tyler lives in the House of Love here at Shepherd's Field, and really that couldn't be more fitting. This kid is so happy, joyful and full of love. He is loved. Loved by his friends and house mates, his ayi's and by our staff. Ty, attends school at little Lambs school and although at times he struggles, he greatly enjoys school, anger painting and having stories read to him. He loves coming to therapy, playing on the play ground, swinging on the swings and playing in the sand. He's probably one of the happiest and most content kids I've ever met. So deserving of a forever family of his own.
On December 1, 2016 Tyler will turn 12 years old. This means that he only has 2 more years to find his Forever Family. Would you help me share his story, together we change the life of a spectacular little boy! Let's find Tyler's Forever Family!
If you or someone you know has been touched by this post and would like to learn more about Tyler, his adoption paperwork, or adoption in general, PLEASE send me an email at: naomi.preedin@chinaorphans.org
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