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This is it!

Hey! Hi! How are ya?!

Ok, ok, ok, enough already. I can't contain my excitement.... I'm going home!! Yay! My flight is booked, my bags are packed (well....almost!) and on Feb 23rd, it's Beijing or bust! Just a quick shout out to everyone who has donated and helped me along the way! So grateful for you all, your love, support and prayers they mean the world to me; I can't do what I do without them, so Thank you!

Love this City!
As some of you may know, in addition to waiting on funds, I've been waiting to receive a legal document from the IL state government that needed to be submitted to the Chinese Consulate here in Chicago prior to my return to China. After waiting 3 long, long weeks, I finally received it in the mail last Saturday. Early Tuesday morning (of course there was a holiday that pushed me back yet another day - yay President's day!) anyway... Tuesday morning I took this document to the IL Secretary of State's office on State street in Chicago to begin the required authentication process. If you've been on State street in the Loop, downtown Chicago, then you know that parking is impossible! After a 20 minute search I finally found a spot in a garage and headed to the office. To make a VERY long story- Short, after 2 long hours, 3 trips to/from the Thompson Center  to 17 N. State, and 3 notarizations later... I finally got my document authenticated! Woohoo! Thankfully this process, although long and somewhat frustrating (there was a lot of running back and forth from this place to there - none of which I was prepared for), was completed all in one day and completed before 1pm - which gave me time to then take these documents and submit them to the Chinese government at the Consulate for Authentication. Once at the Consulate (my home away form home lol) all I had to do was wait a while for them to call my number and PRESTO! submitted! It may have taken up my whole day, but I could careless - my documents are done and now all I have to do is PREP TO GO HOME!


As I said, I've spent all this week packing, gathering my supplies, doing laundry and prepping to spend the next several month back home in China. It's a very exciting time for me, crazy and very busy- yes, but overall thrilling and full of excitement! I don't really know how to describe the emotions I'm having these days. As always, it's hard to leave family, friends, nieces and nephews all whom I love so dearly; however I CAN NOT wait to get home to the kids, aye's, my SF family and friends and of course, my partner in crime, Zai! I know that God is going to continue to do amazing things in 2016, as He has already begun to show us. I'm still living my day-to-day life in complete trust and faith in Him - knowing that He will provide for my every need. As I prepare to go back, I'm still working on raising my support, so please feel free to check out my page: and then share it and this post with your friends, family, coworkers or anyone else who wants to get personally involved in changing the lives of the 40+ amazing kids in our therapy program!

I can't wait to hug and kiss these adorable faces in just 4 days!!


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