Yep! You guessed it! The day has finally come for me to fly home! Yay! I can not contain my excitement! China has become my home in these last 18 months that I've lived there and I can't wait to get home, and be amongst the kids, Zai and other loved ones at SFCV.
In preparation to head back to China, I spent the weekend with my family - catching up, celebrating and soaking in all their love. It was a spectacular weekend! I'm so blessed and honored to have the amazing family that God has given me. We've been through everything together and I'm grateful to have them by my side as I live out this incredible call and mission that God has blessed me with.
In addition to soaking up precious moments with some of my favorite people, it was also a bittersweet time, as it always is. Living overseas comes with it's sacrifices and some days it's hard to be away: knowing that the little nieces and nephews I'm leaving behind, won't be so little when I return to Chicago next time; knowing that I will miss weddings and births of people I love dearly; missing birthdays, anniversaries, and other family functions... - it's hard and some days I struggle. I've been gifted with a very tightly knit family and living overseas can sometimes make one feel as if they're not apart of that any more. Yes, I know that's all rubbish, but as a human sometimes my emotions get the better of me. Despite knowing the sacrifices that I will have to make in order to stay in China, I find them well worth the costs. I know I say this a lot, but I get to work the world's greatest job, with some of the greatest kids on the planet! How amazing is that?! I'm truly blessed to do what I do, where I do it.
Although this weekend was spent saying "See ya later" and "I'll miss you!" to my dearest loved ones, I'm overjoyed and thrilled to be going back to the kiddos that I said those exact words to over 9 weeks ago! I'm grateful for my amazing family here in Chicago, as well as, my incredible family at SFCV!
I love you guys!
So, yes, 再见 (Zàijiàn)..and just think, my next post will be from China! Yahoo! ;)
My Cousin Melissa's Baby Shower! Can't wait to meet this new addition to our family!
Farewell Family Dinner!
(aren't they the cutest nieces and nephews?! It's ok to be a little jealous! haha)
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