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Merry Christmas and Happy December from SFCV!

Hey All!

I know it's been awhile since I posted last. Life has been quite eventful and with the Christmas holiday and all...sadly, I just never got around to posting my thoughts, photos, etc from these last few weeks. All of that being said, lets back track a little and talk about all of the christmas celebrations and December happiness at SFCV and then move forward to present day :)

December 10th: SFCV Inn Staff Thanks-Christmas dinner.
As tradition would have it, we all (the SFCV Inn Staff members) gathered for a Thanksgiving/ Christmas dinner (turkey, stuffing, pie, the works...) with all of our foreign staff members and Inn staff.  The night was fill with Delicious food and even greater company!

 December 11th: All Staff Christmas Party.
Celebrating the Christmas season with all of our SFCV staff members (minus the Ayi's caring for the kids- they had a different party) with snacks, grab bag and awesome giveaways! Sadly, I was sick and had a fever, but that didn't stop me from celebrating the Season with the women that make my job possible! I'm so grateful for June Wang,  Xiang Li, Xiao Ding, and Annie - they're amazing and work so hard to provide the kids with the best treatments possible. I am truly blessed by all of them.

 December 14th: Kid's Christmas Party.
Hands down one of my favorite days of the year...celebrating Christmas with the 67 kids we care for. Each child is handed a present and get a picture with Santa Claus, but their faces are way say it all - Pure joy! It's incredible! These kids truly carry the Christmas spirit in their hearts and sparkling eyes. I have much to learn from their gratefulness and cheer. Each one of these kiddos inspires me, I'm so blessed to work with them!

SFCV Therapy team and kids! :)

December 16th: Last Session for Robert, Simeon, Charissa and Richard at LIH Olivia's Place.
What a blessing this partnership has been! Honestly I cannot tell you how grateful we are for everything that Marc and Eva have done for us. The kids have made excellent progress and gains due to the input and guidance from the Olivia's Place staff. I am so proud of all hard work the kids have put in and am so excited to see their future progressions!

December 17th: Speech Therapy Training with LIH Olivia's Place staff at SFCV.
What an awesome day this was! I've you been following this blog then you know that our therapy team has been working hard to try and develop an effective Speech Therapy program that will meet the communication needs of all of our kids. We are so blessed by our friends at Olivia's Place who volunteered their time to come out to SFCV and train our staff on basic communication and language  development. It was a great day of training, learning, developing and implementing ideas with the kids. I know, I learned a great deal and am so grateful for their kindness in helping us develop this new program. The Olivia's Place team evaluated Xander, Micah, Molly and Jamie and gave several extremely helpful treatment ideas for each child. Like I said, it was an awesome day!

December 18th: Zai's day at the Spa (haha!)
 I just have to share these because she's so stinking adorable! To answer the question, no, there isn't really a "Dog Spa" that we take her to. We just took her to the local vet for a bath and a much needed hair cut. I am so grateful for this pup and all that she does for me and our kids!

 December 19th: Heading Home (to Chicago) for Christmas Vacation!
Before I left, I spent the morning in the House of Blessings soaking up all their cuteness and saying "good-bye" to Robert who will be adopted into his Forever Family in early January. Golly, I love these kids and am so truly grateful that God has allowed me to work with them! I just love them all so much!
And of course...I had to snap a photo on the roof on Hong Qiao Market on the way to the airport with Caroline, it's tradition. Nothing like a little (very) last minute Christmas shopping :)


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