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The Six

Hey guys!

It's been a time of great movement and fluctuation in our program. This last few months we've added Six new faces and I'd like to introduce them to you all!


Charlie came to SFCV back in December. Guys - this kid, ahhhh, He's the sweetest child!! He has such a gentle and loving spirit. Before Charlie Arrived at SFCV, he had never had the ability or been given the chance to stand or walk on his own. In the short time that we've been working with Charlie he's made tremendous progress. He now propels himself in his wheelchair, can stand (with some assistance) for about 12 minutes and has even begun to take steps using a platform walker! He's such a hard and determined worker. We're seeing Charlie for PT and OT.

Samuel came this last December from another foster home in Beijing. He's 8 years old and oh so hilarious! He's got quite the dry sense of humor, but when he's got a smile that can warm any soul. Despite only being with us for a few months, he's been making exceptional progress. Prior to his arrival at SFCV, Samuel didn't have any language or communication skills. He could speak but he can only produce sounds. Since we've been working with him, he's begun learning American Sign Language as a way to help him communicate in addition to verbal communication, guys, let me tell you, he's learned so much so fast!! He's able to communicate his basic wants and needs which has helped him a great deal. Love this guy, he's always keeping us laughing and on our toes! We're seeing Samuel for PT, Speech and ABA.

This sweetheart is our newest arrival! She has such a gentle and playful spirit - it's infectious! Since coming to SFCV in January, Florence has done nothing but blown us away, from her ability to stand with knees bent at 90 degrees, to walking up stairs and riding a bike, there really isn't anything that will stop this girl from having fun. She's absolutely adorable. We see Florence for PT.

This little nugget joined our program just a few months back and is still learning to get the hang of it. Since her cleft palate has been repaired, now is the time to begin speech therapy. Pippa is pretty apprehensive to allowing things in her mouth, but she's doing well and slowly but surely getting used to trying new sounds! She's such a sweetie! We see Pippa for Speech.

Look whose back?! We love this little guy! Isaac is can be pretty skeptical and shy, until you get close to him and he comes out of his shell, then it's all giggles and smiles!  Since his final cleft palate surgery last year, it now time to begin/ continue working on speech and oral motor articulations. He's doing quite well and makes every attempt to get the sounds right. He's very inquisitive and a hard worker! Gosh, we love being able to work with Isaac again. We see Isaac for Speech.

Momo Probably one of the cutest kids I've even seen. He has such a joyful, spunky and loving spirit. He's always down to snuggle and ask "What's that?" Moms has lived at SFCV for a while now, but he's new to our program. He's learning so much about sound and oral motor articulations and his pronunciation skills are beginning to improve. We love having this kiddo! We see Momo for Speech.

Well....what do you think? Aren't they all the cutest?!

I feel truly blessed to have the ability to work with these amazing kids and help them reach their God-given potentials! Sky's the limit for each one of them and I can't wait to see how they all progress!

Until Next Time....


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