If only I was 30... a thought my heart so often thinks. Ever have that feeling where you know you have to say something even though you don't want to? Yeah? Well, I feel a bit of that with this post. I'm struggling, but can't hold back the truth. People say, that when you feel your heart ache for another you've come to truly love. Well...I guess I'm there. This post is about a boy that has changed my life, the way I see and do my job, and my relationship with Christ. He was here in the beginning and has helped to change it all...I can't imagine my life without him here at SFCV, but hope and pray one day he's gone. If you've met Jason, then you've met a piece of my heart. I adore this boy who is so rapidly becoming a young man. I will never forget the day he arrived here at SFCV from Banyuanar Orphanage (Inner Mongolia) in late-November of 2014 and stumbled into our therapy clinic with his green walker, huffing and puffing from exhaustion. He was ...
I'm Naomi, just a simple woman hand picked to live in China, love special needs orphans, and to work as physical therapist. I am ChinaBird and these are my stories, joys and trials of life here at Shepherd's Field Children's Village in Tianjin, China!