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Adjusting Focus

Yes, this is real 😍
Ever feel yourself loosing focus on what's truly important in life, with family/kids, at work/school or spiritually? I think it happens to all of us sometimes. We so easily get pulled out to sea by the tides of life, and before we know it we're struggling to stay afloat. Every now and a again feel this way. Despite having a very rewarding job surrounded by an awesome team and kids, sometimes things get tense and I find myself frantically trying to not let life drown me out.

A few weeks back, I headed out of Beijing for yet another Visa Trip. Before I left, I was feeling quite drained and exhausted from trying to stay "afloat". I love the "forced" vacation part of it, but frequent travel (every 60 days) can become tiresome and a little annoying as the expenses add up. Instead of heading down to Hong Kong, like I normally do, I ventured out and went somewhere new: Thailand.

Pork Pad Thai!
Let me start by saying, if Thailand isn't on your "To Visit" list - put it on there! You will not regret it! It's a beautiful country with a variety of terrains, great culture, and delicious cuisine. I stayed in Krabi, which is a beach town on the Andaman Sea, and it was spectacular - definitely a place I'd like to visit again! So much to do and see. Before heading down there, I set my heart towards using this trip as a time to rest, reconnect with my spirit and refresh my soul.

 A few years back I got the book Crazy Love, by Francis Chan for Christmas and had yet to read it. I know, I'm the worst at reading books. I'm a movie person, haha! But, I really felt the Lord leading me to bring it and read while on the beach. Again, I'm a movie person, not much of a reader - y'all I couldn't put it down! I've never read a book that was so enticing, challenging, convicting, funny and applicable. It hit me in the depths of my being. I know that sounds dramatic, but it's true. Growing up in the Church I've heard the Scriptures, read the stories, and heard these words taught multiple times before, but this time was different. It struck me on a deeper level and has since changed my perspective on how I'm currently living and how I truly want to live as a follower of Christ.

If you haven't read the book - do it! Again, another thing you will not regret. In the book, Chan challenges believers to a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ. Not just a life where we say we're "Christians" and then continue to live our lives selfishly, in fear, hating our neighbor and un-Christlike. One point he brings up is, how would our lives be changed if we treated everyone we come in contact with as if they were Jesus themselves? I can't get this out of my head and heart. My life would be SO DIFFERENT! Even now, I know this is where God has me and I'm content living the China Life He's called me to, but how different and how much better would my relationships with the kids, Ayi's, staff, guests, interns, Christ and everyone else I come in contact with be if I truly lived my life this way? It's hitting me deep and it's something I'm striving towards. I could go on and on about the book and sharing what points convicted and challenged me, but honestly, you're better off just reading it for yourself. I'm sure glad I did.

To say my time in Krabi was refreshing would be a drastic understatement. I felt the nearness of God as I spent mornings in prayer in the midst of His creation and I felt his waves of Grace pulling me back to Shore where I'm grounded in Him. He adjusted my focus, the way I see people, these kids, my life and HOW I want to live my life going forward. It was and has continued to be awesome!
So to all of you who find yourself drowning in the oceans of life, struggling to stay afloat, I strongly encourage you: find a place - anywhere that you can allow God to refresh you (it doesn't have to be Thailand 😜 ). But seriously, take the time to set yourself away from the craziness of life and I promise you He will meet you! Also, I recommend reading Crazy Love, but that's not a make or break 😊
Be encouraged! He sees us right where we're at, in the midst of our drowning and He's the only Rescuer who can pull us safely to shore.

Until next time...


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