
I'm so excited to share this post with you today! Let me start with this question, have you ever witnessed a miracle? Have you? I think a lot of people tend to think that miracles are these MASSIVE events that draw the awe and amazement of many or we think of the miracles that are written about in the Bible. Yes, those big miracles happen, people being raised from death to life, the seas being parted, etc. It's real and it all happened and was
AWESOME! But today for some reason, maybe because we're not looking, we don't tend to see those kinds of miracles. However,
everyday of our lives God is doing miracles. Living here at SFCV, I have the privilege of having a front row seat in watching God perform those miracles on our campus, within our organization and in the lives of our kids. Simeon is an everyday miracle.

Simeon arrived at SFCV in 2012, when he was just a few months old. He was born with hydrocephalus and spina bifida. When He was just 3 months old he had his spinal tumor removed and VP shunts placed to drain the fluid from his brain to his belly. From a very early age, this boy went through a great deal of physical turmoil and pain. Thankfully and miraculously, Simeon did spectacularly with all of his surgeries and to date hasn't had any complications! From the moment he was conceived his life has been nothing but one big miracle. After his surgeries, doctors from all over China said Simeon wouldn't ever walk, talk, or have a good quality of life, but can I just tell you...they were dead wrong! Like I've been saying, this kid is a miracle and his story is defying all odds. Over the last 3 years Simeon has been enrolled in the SFCV therapy program and receiving physical, occupational and speech therapy and has done exceptionally well. He's a hard worker and always willing to try new tasks. He's so easy going that nothing phases him. This summer, Simeon began to make therapeutic gains that honestly, we didn't expect - yet again, another miracle. In August, just after his 4th birthday, Simeon began Army Crawling or crawling using only arms! This was the very first time our therapy staff ever saw him initiate any independent movement on his own. I cried as his smile stretch from one ear to the other. This boy was finally moving on his own....but the miracles didn't stop there...

Since the removal of his spinal tumor in 2012, Simeon has consistently tested negative for any neurological sensation or gross motor movement in his lower extremities. This means that he can't move his legs on his own, he can't control his bladder or bowel movements, and he can't feel anything from the waist down. It would take an absolute miracle to change this and many doctors had and have told us this. I remember the day well, it was a Wednesday, we were working with Simeon on a self-supporting sitting exercise and out of the corner of my eye I saw something move. When my head finally turned and I realized what I was seeing, there were tears that were automatically flowing down my cheeks. I was witnessing an everyday miracle. While working on his sitting, Simeon did the impossible, he lifted his right leg off the ground and started kicking it up and down!! He was moving his leg ALL ON HIS OWN!! I don't think words came out of my mouth for a solid 6 minutes...there was a an electric shock of silence in that room! He had done it! He had defied the odds, defied the professional opinions of many doctors, he had instilled awe in all of our therapy staff...he was and still is a miracle! Yet again, the progress didn't stop there!
New wheels! |
This past October, Simeon received a wonderful donation from some doctors from the USA that came to visit SFCV. He received a wheelchair! Once he was properly fitted, he began propelling himself forward and back, as if he has been using a wheelchair for years. This was intact, the first time he has ever sat in a wheelchair. It was an inspiring moment where in all that witnessed knew this was yet again an everyday miracle from our God!
After witnessing these events in Simeon's life, it has made me realize that God is doing this every day. He's performing these every day miracles in the lives of these kids, in my life, all throughout our village and all over the world, I just haven't opened my eyes wide enough to see. God is moving mountains everyday, but do we have the heart to see? It was a surreal moment of knowing the depth of our God and yet the tenderness of His love!
Signing for more snacks! |
I know I've only said it about 100 times in this post already, but Simeon is a miracle. Every child is really. But I have to toot Simeon's horn a bit...because...I just have too. If you haven't had the opportunity to meet this little guy, then truthfully, your life is lacking. He's one of the most loving, caring, and sweet little boys I have EVER met! He's such a snuggle bug. He has so much love in his heart that it just resonates from his little being. He may not have verbal communication skills right now, but he has no issues letting people know their loved and when he wants a hug or a snack! He's suuuuuper smart too! In addition to all of his physical and occupational work, Simeon is also working on developing verbal communication skills and learning American Sign Language. It's been so cool to see him learn, grow, and develop his own personality.

I've relished the seat I've been given in watching Simeon and all that God is doing in his life. I'm praying that the next everyday miracle that happens in Simeon's life is the gift of a Forever Family! His heart craves the endless love and snuggles from a Mama and Baba! I can only imagine what miracles would happen in this boys life once he gets a family of his own. It's going to be incredible and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. BUT FIRST, we, that's right you and me, have to help Simeon find his Forever Family!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SHARE THIS POST!! Together you and I can, yet again, witness another miracle as we find Simeon's Forever Family! I know they're out there somewhere - together we can find them!
If you or someone you know has been touched by this post and would like to learn more about Simeon, his adoption paperwork, or adoption in general, PLEASE send me an email at:
Easter Egg Hunt, 2016 |
Not too thrilled with the water slide :/ |
Simeon and Santa, 2015 |
While we were in China last April we too had the privilege of spending time with the sweet children in Shepards vvillag. What a honor to be among those sweet spirits! The commitment and love we saw towards the progress, development and care for the children there IS God's work! I too had a few special moments with Simeon. To see how far he has progressed is an absolute miracle! I pray this sweet cuddly, cheerful, determined boy will find his Forever Family! They will be blessed with him in their home!!!