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This Kid Named, Xander

Hey All!
I'm so excited to share today's post with you all. I'm dying to tell you all about my 10 1/2 year old friend, Xander. This kid is amazing!
When he first came to SFCV back in 2008, Xander struggled to control his Autistic "meltdowns", he couldn't self soothe nor did he know how to effectively communicate his wants, needs, or feelings. Although a sweet boy, he was at times aggressive. At our first meeting, back in 2013, I was greeted by Xander with a slap on the cheek and him throwing spit on me. Now, if you've met anyone with severe autism, then you know that these are common behaviors. Xander wasn't being rude or mean, nor did I think he was, but I will admit that I was surprised by his aggressive behaviors. Nearly one year later, I came back to volunteer at SFCV and I saw Xander. This time I was greeted by a waive and a high-five! I had to make sure I was greeting the same kid! His negative behaviors were gone and he was a very well- mannered young man! For weeks I wondered what kind of therapeutic or sensory integrations the therapy team had been doing with him that would account for his great change in behavior. Later I found out that in the year while I was gone, Xander began attending school at the Beijing school for Autism. He was enrolled in classes for several months and making great progress; however the tuition costs were to great and he had to stop going. Although disappointed, this didn't stop Xander from continuing to grow and progress. He has come a long way and every day he's making more great gains in his socialization skills, sensory therapy, behavior therapy, and communication skills.

As a Therapist, it's my job to make sure that my patients are getting the specific care and treatments they need and to make sure that their goals are achievable, well for Xander, I feel like I'm constantly re-writing his goals! As of late, he's been making such great progress in several areas including: communication, behavior and sensory integration. Xander is non-verbal but has found other means of communication to get his wants and needs known to those around him. One tool that we've been teaching him is American Sign Language. Xander has picked it up pretty quickly and can sign over 25 signs when prompted. He's a very smart young man that's eager to learn. He has a very spunky and inquisitive personality too - which is great for exploration and learning. Just when I think he's hit a wall in a certain area, he surprises us all with positive gains...and that's his personality shining through. In addition to being a eager learner, Xander is huge helper! Every day he helps his Nannies go to the central kitchen on campus to get meals for the house, he helps them carry the heavy pots full of delicious food back to his house and then helps by setting the table for meals. He helps clean up after the little ones and he's great at following directions, too. He enjoys working alongside his nannies and helping out - he's so sweet. This guys....he's so amazing! He has a precious smile and a deep giggle that can melt any heart! When he smiles, his dark brown eyes sparkle! They Sparkle!! It's spectacular! If you know Xander, then you know what I'm talking about, and for those of you that don't...come visit him and see for yourself! :)

So what is Xander like? Oh, let me tell you! He's very caring young man that is always helping his nannies and looking out for the other kids in his house. He loves to explore the great out doors, play in the sand,  climb on the jungle gym, blow bubbles, and a new favorite is playing with Zai, our therapy dog. Just like any other boy his age, Xander loves to just play and be himself!

If you asked me, "What's the ONE thing you want people to know about Xander?" answer to that would be...That he's an amazing young man whose heart yearns for a family to love him, care for him, explore life with him, teach him, and help him find his full potential despite his Autism. Xander doesn't live by limits, he's an adventurer, always seeking a thrill. My heart longs to know the freedom his heart enjoys every day.  No worries, just adventure. Such Freedom. Pure Serenity. I can't really say enough about what an incredible, talented, handsome, goofy, inquisitive young man Xander is, he's just..... Xander!

Hey, If you or someone you know has been touched by this post and would like to learn more about Xander, his adoption paperwork, or adoption in general, PLEASE send me an email at:


Take a look at these other adorable pics of Xander!

Do you see the Sparkle? It's stunning!!

Picture with Santa, 2015
Isn't he hilarious?! Haha that face with that shirt! 

Brother from House of Love
Xander, Seth (Back), Tyler, and Ronny (Now Tommy - adopted in 2015)

Brotherly love! Playing with Quintin <3
This Kid! <3


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