Hey y'all!
Hope your summer has been as fun as ours!
It's been almost 2 months since my last blog post, so I wanted to take a moment and share some of our summer highlights with you!
Children's Day

My FAVORITE Day of the year! Why? June 1, International Children's Day, is one of the biggest and bestest (😜) days of the year at SFCV, the kids perform, sing, dance, act and flaunt their incredible talents, what's not to love!?! We have the same routine/ schedule every year and it never gets old. Morning: kids perform, Lunch:McDonald's with the kids (a treat), Afternoon: campus-wide water fight! Just check out the photos... they say it all.
July 4th: U.S. Independence Day!

America's 241st birthday was celebrated in true American fashion: BBQ, Cornhole, fireworks, smores and lots of smiles! It was a great day celebrating the freedom that allows people like me to be able to come here to China and do what I do. All around spectacular day with the kids all dawning the Red, White and Blue! Hot but a BLAST! Check it!

We CAN NOT do what we do without the help of others. We are so privileged here at SFCV to have people that are willing to leave their lives to come and love on our kids, help with projects, therapy and in the school and give to the fatherless. I've been blessed to be able to coordinate our Internship program here for the last 2 summers and each year, these young adults selflessly pour into the lives of our kids. It's incredible to see how God works in their lives and in the kids through them. Lifelong friendships are made! I love seeing God move!

I was SO blessed to have 7, yes that's right 7, therapy interns with me throughout the summer. These young people are going to be great therapists one day! They have helped our staff with tons of projects and sowed seeds of love an joy into the kids. I'm so blessed by all of their hard work and dedication to our team!

In early July, a team of 12 Physical Therapists and Doctorate of Physical Therapy students from the USA came to SFCV to treat and evaluate our kids and to provide some training for us and some of the orphanages we work with. Guys, this was one of the big highlights of my summer! These therapists not only equipped our staff and the the staff from 2 partnering orphanages, but hey evaluated and created treatment recommendations for our kids! I'm literally blessed speechless! I'm so grateful for the Lord's kindness and blessings. Just look....
Summer Fun
I mean isn't just fun in general? Pool parties and water fights; dancing, smiles and friends, that's what summer is all about!

Late July, 14 of our kids went to Bring Me Hope Camp in Taiyuan. This camp is specifically for orphans and celebrates everything about them, while advocating for their adoptions. Our kids look forward to this week of joy every year! Judging from the pictures, I can see why most of them cried when camp ended. Bless their hearts! Check out these pics of our summer fun!
Children's Day:
Camp & Summer Fun:
July 4th!
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