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Summer Review

Hey There!

It's been about a month since my last post, so I though I'd give a little update on how the summer has been here at SFCV.

Just a few of our summer interns!
This summer has been a long sprint for me. So much to do and yet only so much time. Thankfully, God blessed us with over 35 incredible interns to come along side our staff and help us as we serve these kids. I alone and 5 interns working with me - it was incredible! I'm so grateful for each one of them. Despite my work being a juggling match, each individual intern was able to help take some of the daily pressures off of me - it was fantastic! Honestly I've been so blessed by their love for the kids, and their willingness to serve.

Throughout the summer, we've seen a lot of kids meet their Forever Families! Lets just stop and let out a cheer for that, YAY! To date, we've seen 16 kids adopted into forever families this year alone! It's been a joy and an honor to watch as the Lord unites these families in the most perfect of ways. I'm always awed by His loving-kindness. For me, each adoption is a visual reminder of how lovingly and willingly the Lord adopted me into his Forever Family. It's so beautiful. As always, it's still sad to see the kids leave their nannies, friends, teachers and the rest of us at SFCV. It's a happy/sad. What I can tell you undoubtedly, is that I will never forget the looks on all of their faces when their families come into view. There's a sparkle in their eyes, a glow that fills their faces - it's stunning!

Therapy Team Dinner!
Lastly, things in therapy are progressing right along. We've got some changes and new things on the horizon (I'll keep you all updated), so stay tuned! Overall this summer, we've seen so many of our kids make excellent progress. Four of the 5 interns that were assigned to me, assisted in therapy. They all came from different backgrounds, had different interests and personalities, yet they all had a common drive to help see our kids succeed. I can't really put into words how blessed I've been by their hard work, their desire to learn about therapy and our kids, and their daily out pouring of patience and love. I've been changed by them!

Anyway, that's a little bit about what's been going on this summer. Stay tuned - there's a lot more to come in the next few weeks about our Therapy Conference, Big Additions, and SIMEON!! But for now, check out these pics, proving how awesome our summer has been!


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