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Ready. Set. Renew

Happy New Year to all! I hope that 2015 finds you well, renewed and refreshed!

On December 20th (of last year), I left China and headed back to Chicago, IL to spend Christmas and the New Year holiday with my family and friends. As much as I love living here in China and doing the work I have been so blessed to do, I was truly grateful to be home with my dear family and friends, all of whom I missed so dearly. During my time back home in the States, I had many opportunities to share about my work in China with friends, family and even a few strangers. Nevertheless, every time I shared about my life and work here at Shepherd's Field I was reminded of how I came to live and work here in China and how awesome our God is that would be so merciful as to use me to accomplish His will here.
Some of you may know my story and how it is that I came to China, but for those of you who don't, I'd like to share that story with you now.
In August of this year, I wrote a blog post for the Joni and Friends' Cause4Life program- through which I originally came to China. In that post I was asked to share how I came to China and how God completely changed my life. Here is that post...

Kennedy, the day we met in 2013 
     I’m Naomi, an ordinary twenty-two year old woman who had a plan for her life and thought she knew what she wanted in life. Two years ago, if you had told me that I would be serving the Lord in China, I would have said “Impossible”. My story is one that illuminates the awesomeness of God and His love for us no matter where we are in life.
     As a child I grew up with two loving, Christian parents who taught me to love Jesus with my whole heart. As a teen and into my college years, I gradually pulled away from the church and the Christian faith all together. Sadly, I found life in seeking my own desires when and with whomever I wanted. In March of 2013, I found myself faced with a decision that would change the course of my life. I had been approached by a dear friend to accompany her on a Joni and Friends Cause4Life Internship to serve Orphans with disabilities at Shepherd’s Field Children’s village in China. Although the idea of using my degree in sports medicine and pediatric rehabilitation was appealing, I turned down the invitation - in fact I declined several times, China was just not in my plans for my future. Our Lord had a different idea, as weeks passed I couldn’t get China out of my head. This relentless persistence convinced me that I needed to go.
tickle time with Liam '13

first time on the Great Wall
(summer 2013)
   When arrived at Shepherd’s Field Children’s Village and immediately I felt at peace. I still vividly remember meeting Kennedy and Liam and several other kids for the first time; my heart had never felt such love and compassion before. My heart melted seeing their joy filled smiles and loving hearts open to a complete stranger like me. This overwhelming love and joy grabbed my heart and has yet to let go. I know God used these kids to show me my need for a Savior and his everlasting love for me. My life was so deeply impacted, that I decided to return this past summer with Cause4Life. Both of these internships have made me realize how much I didn’t know myself, and how much Jesus did. He knew that I would fall in love with China and it’s people and He knew my destiny long before I was even born. Using my profession to serve Christ and children with special needs has been a dream come true and it's like no other job I have ever had. I’m so thankful that I have been able to be apart of the impact that Cause4Life is making in China. Every day here in China I am reminded of the miraculous power and awesomeness of our Redeeming Lord and Savior. 
Cause 4 Life team 2013
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will direct your path” Proverbs 3:5 NLV
Cause 4 Life team 2014

Now that I'm back in China, my heart is renewed and full of love to give away. Never in my life have I been more "home" sick than when I was back in Chicago. Those of you that have traveled or have lived in other countries, know what I'm talking about; When I'm in China - I deeply miss everyone in the U.S.  and when I'm in the U.S. I can't stop thinking of and longing to be back in China. It's honestly and emotional battle. One that will never cease to exist. My trip back to the U.S has renewed me, refreshed me and revitalized my passion for my work, these kids and my call here in China.

It's good to be home! :)


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