I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun. Charles R. Swindoll Greetings Friends! That's what this post is all about...friends and growing old. I'm so thankful for all the friends that God has given me. Since moving away from my family, I've come to realize how vital a role my friends play in my life. I have a handful of core friends here in China that make living here possible. No, I haven't forgotten all my dear friends and loved ones back in Chicago that love me, pray for me, and support me, but having a core group here with me is essential. These last few weeks I've been thinking a lot about home and I have to admit, I'm a little homesick for Chicago. Don't misunderstand me, I LOVE what I do, I love the kids and friends that I work with and I wouldn't trade where I'm at or what I'm doing for anyth...
I'm Naomi, just a simple woman hand picked to live in China, love special needs orphans, and to work as physical therapist. I am ChinaBird and these are my stories, joys and trials of life here at Shepherd's Field Children's Village in Tianjin, China!