Everyone knows that when you start a new job, things are always challenging and somewhat confusing in the beginning. The hope is always that the more accustomed you become to this new job placement the better and more fluid things become. I'm glad to say that this "method" if you will, has always proven to be applicable in my life. However, no matter how awesome the job is there is always that inevitable "newbie" period, when you tend to feel like no matter how prepared you are educationally, physically or mentally, everything is still so foreign... and in my case they are, they're completely foreign! SFCV Therapy Team! Back L to R: Xiao Wang, Da Li, Xiao Ding, Annie Front L to R: Naomi, Sid, Max, Kayla & Charley Moon I've found that when you start a new job it's like joining a foreign tribe. For a while, you're the outsider but after you've proven your loyalty, respect and integrity to each member of the tribe they accept ...
I'm Naomi, just a simple woman hand picked to live in China, love special needs orphans, and to work as physical therapist. I am ChinaBird and these are my stories, joys and trials of life here at Shepherd's Field Children's Village in Tianjin, China!